minimaxx tuner

On this page you will find all available updates for your Mini Maxx V2 device.

Simply download the latest version and install the files following the instructions.

New version 2.02 available Release date: August 2022

Update Instructions:

Before updating the tuner make sure to uninstall the tuner from the vehicle so the stock tune is back on the truck.

*Do not use this update on Mini Maxx V1 tuners*

You will Need:

- Windows PC with a free USB port

- The USB adapter included with the Mini Maxx

- The SD card from the tuner

How to install the update:

1. Introduce the SD card in your computer

2. Download the latest update file

3. Unzip the folder onto your desktop

4. Use Windows Explorer to nagivate to your SD card, select all the files and delete them so the SD card is empty. Then right-click the SD card in the left panel of Windows Explorer and click "format", be sure the file system is set to "FAT", nothing else will work. Let the formatting complete.

5. Drag and drop the update files in the folder you extracted onto the SD card. Be sure you do not copy the whole folder over, only the files and folders within the extracted update folder.

6. Remove the SD card from the computer

7. Reinstall the SD card into the Mini Maxx

8. Power on the Mini Maxx

9. Go into the Menu and scroll all the way down to "Update Firmware"

10. Click "Update Firmware" and proceed, the Mini Maxx will load the files and restart

11. Once restarted and connected to the truck, go into Menu and select "Install Download".

12. You are done! The Mini Maxx is now up to date

ALWAYS be sure to always have a battery charger connected when flashing the PCM

Notes: *This update is a software update and not a full replacement so the version number within the tuner will not change.

**If you have any issues please contact us through the contact form here.